Did Howard Stern Just Endorse Kid Rock for Senate?
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Today on The Howard Stern Show, Howard took a call from someone asking about what he thinks about the idea of Kid Rock running for Senate. And the response was somewhat surprising.
Given that Howard hates Donald Trump, and Kid Rock has closely allied himself with Trump, you would expect Howard to hate the idea of Kid Rock for Senate. But that's not what he said.
When asked the question, Howard had a lot of nice things to say about Kid Rock.
First, he said that "Kid Rock would have a very good chance...of winning." "Kid Rock has been instrumental in so many charities...he actually is a pretty serious, high minded guy...and a good guy."
Howard noted that Kid Rock hasn't just come out of the blue. He likened the situation to tha tof Al Franken, whom Howard has often praised for his thoughtfulness and knowledge of the issues.
Still, Howard wasn't completely sure whether Kid Rock would make a good Senator. He noted that politics is very different from business, and that perhaps Kid Rock's skillset may not be transferrable to being a politician.
During the call, Howard took some time to call out Anthony Scaramucci, Trump's new Communications Director, regarding his Kim Jong Un-like love for Trump.
Howard played the clip of Scaramucci discussing his love for Trump, and Trump's ability to succeed in any sport.
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