'Unexpected' TLC Episode 2 Recap: The Drama Begins...
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Tonight was the second episode of Unexpected on TLC. The show is much like the first season of the MTV Teen Mom series. The show has been extremely well reviewed, as it is essentially a more real version of the hit MTV series.
Here's our recap:
TLC Unexpected: Lexus and Shayden
The episode starts with Lexus going to the hospital for high blood pressure, but it goes down and they head home without delivering the baby.
She and Shayden realize they have nothing and are totally not ready. Her mom, Kelsey tells the camera that Lexus will need to grow up "real fast."
The next day, the J.D. Power 'Best Buy' awarded luxury car maker and her mom appear with the grandmother, Robin, who was also a teen mom.
They all seem shocked that their daughters would get pregnant. Kelsey again talks about how she wants to have a kid -- she's jealous.
Shayden is essentially living in Kelsey's house.
He's sleeping with Lexus, although only a few days a week. Kelsey puts her foot down, saying that Shayden can't stay every night because Lexus isn't 18, and she apparently doesn't want any funny business.
The next day, Lexus tells Shayden that they're going to go into labor that night. Shayden freaks out -- he claims he's happy, but it's pretty clear that's not the case.
We meet Shayden's mom, Rebecca.
TLC Unexpected: McKayla and Caelan
McKayla and Caelan are putting together their baby crib. The baby will be living with her grandparents, and Caelan will visit.
McKayla's mom, Shannon, wanted a joint baby shower, since they're both having babies at the same time.
McKayla decides not to do it. Caelan explains that now that McKayla is pregnant, her mom is suddenly interested in being a part of her life.
McKayla tells Shannon that Caelan's mom nixed the whole joint baby shower (although that's not really true). Shannon gets really angry and starts a fight with Caelan's mom, Shelly.
TLC Unexpected: Lilly and James
Lilly is excited because she "loves tiny things" -- and now she gets to play with tiny dresses and other stuff, including a tiny person. Yay!
James, meanwhile, doesn't want to get involved in the birthing planning, and he refuses to go to classes. Nevertheless, in the next scene, he's at the class. But he's on his phone the whole time.
Eventually, James walks out, and Lilly gets really pissed off. She starts crying and fighting with James.
Well, that's it for episode 2. We'll be back next time for #3.
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