Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump Calls In to the Howard Stern Radio Show
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It didn't take much for Howard Stern to land an interview with the busy 2016 presidential hopeful, Republican Donald Trump who failed to comment on the Megyn Kelly exchange that's been going on.
"Howard picked up on Trump and said that he's very popular right now," according to MarksFriggin. "Trump said that he's got poll numbers in the 30s today. Howard said he didn't even expect this, did he.
Trump said that it's happening very fast. He said he's honored. Howard said he looks at his life and he wonders if he really wants this."
Trump told Stern that he's eager to do a good job and that there are issues that need to be straightened out in the U.S. Government and he thinks he can be good at that.
Trump said he's focused on winning when Stern asked him if he would consider Vice President solidifying his run for the big title in 2016.
"Howard said he was bothering him about the Megyn Kelly thing but he doesn't want to answer that," according to the rundown.
"Trump said he'd like to take a pass on that. He said he learns with age. Howard said what he could do is tap on the phone a number. Trump said it's fine. He said FOX has been fine."
Now on the phone: Republican Presidential candidate @realDonaldTrump. Really! (Pic from 2008) #Howard
-- Stern Show (@sternshow) August 25, 2015
Stern joked with Trump about being the supreme court justice if Trump is elected to which Trump said Stern would be a good judge and that he knows him well.
Trump said that Stern has contrasting personalities. In person he says Stern is warm but "on the radio he's a maniac."
Can you believe @realDonaldTrump called into the @HowardStern Show today? #Howard #Trump
-- Stern Show (@sternshow) August 25, 2015
"Howard talked to Trump about Hillary and Trump said he thinks she's damaged by that whole email scandal thing," according to the report.
"He said when he's president he's going to do a great job and take care of the country. Trump said Howard is the best and he really appreciates it.
Howard let him go after that. Howard said the guy is on a tear."
The Stern conversation was brief but gave Trump fans and opposers a slight sneak peek into what they can look forward to if Trump is elected President in 2016.
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