Teen Daze Heads Out On Fall Tour
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Teen Daze, who has risen from Fraser Valley, British Columbia, is an eclectic musician with a rare and unique electronic sound. His latest LP release, Glacier, is out now and available on vinyl and to purchase on iTunes.
The musician began the start of writing new material and producing Glacier as 2012 came to an end. Teen Daze's most recent release of Glacier is described as "more than solidified water adrift in a sea of home-produced electronic music.
It is a collection of moments, historical particles and physical experiences, gathered into a whole".
All songs featured on the LP have a cold and icy relation, with titles such as "Alaska", "Tundra", "Forest At Dawn" and "Ice On The Windowsill".
Teen Daze has been involved in the music industry for some years now, first getting his start by growing up in a musical family. "I had a strong love for music pretty early on", Teen Daze explained. In college, he used songwriting and recording experiments as procrastination, soon turning it into his career.
Teen Daze, who came up with his stage name as an ode to an old friend, listed a few of his musical influences as Brian Eno, Daft Punk, Bibio, Mount Eerie and all of the Ghostly Records, which are also some of his favorite artists to listen to in his spare time while not creating music of his own. If Teen Daze were to have the chance to collaborate with anyone, he said he would love to work with Terrence Malik.
"He is an incredible director with an amazing eye for visuals. Doing a score for one of his films would be an honor", Teen Daze explained.
Teen Daze has been on tour and is planning on touching down in cities along the East Coast including Hartford, Brooklyn, Cleveland and St. Louis - and making his way towards the West Coast by early November, before performing a show in Japan after Thanksgiving.
"This tour I'm on right now has been really amazing", Teen Daze explained.
"I'm traveling with a full band and its just great to share all of the fun, weird experiences that one has on tour, with a group of friends." When asked what his most memorable experience so far on this tour has been, Teen Daze responded, "Our night in Fargo, ND - that was especially fun."
As for what's next in store for Teen Daze, the talented musician plans on continuing his tour throughout the fall and promoting the release of Glacier.
"Once I'm done with touring, I'll start thinking about what's next musically", the artist stated. "But for now, the present is occupying a lot of my time."
For more information on Teen Daze and his tour date announcements and news on more releases, be sure to visit www.asilentplanet.com, and check out Teen Daze on one of his stops along his fall tour - be prepared to be mesmerized.