Howard Stern Talks to High Pitch Erik Before his Procedure & Meets Marfan Mike
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After all of the health scares that the Howard Stern SiriusXM radio show Wack Packer High Pitch Erik has faced, Erik revealed that he would be going in for a procedure.
Howard Stern took a call with Erik just one day before the nerve-racking surgery.
The phone call began with Stern announcing High Pitch Erik's big procedure was coming up after a series of health scares. Erik seemed pretty nervous about it but Stern aimed to take his mind off of the procedure if only for a little while.
Stern started telling a story about Erik and Gonzo sharing a room together and that Gonzo said Erik was coming on to him.
Erik told Stern that he was just playing around and it wasn't serious. In more good news, Erik is off the hook in his case.
"Howard said that he has an update on Erik's court case. Erik said his case was dismissed," according to MarksFriggin.
"Howard said he has to interpret for the audience. Howard said the case was dismissed and TMZ was there and interviewed High Pitch Erik after the case."
Meanwhile, Erik was still nervous about his procedure and repeatedly asked Stern if he could call in following the surgery. It looks like the nerves have been made worst by possible friction between Joey Boots and Erik, according to Gonzo.
"Gonzo said that Joey is upset about Erik's obsession with this girl he's been in contact with lately. Howard asked Erik if he's going to get a girl come between them," according to MF.
"Erik said he can't talk about it because it's upsetting. Howard said he has to get it out now. Erik said she came out for his birthday and she and Joey had it out on Sunday."
Shuli Egar came in to sprinkle a little perspective into things. The best line from his statement was that the woman that Erik was talking to gave Joey a Yoko vibe.
As they went back and forth about the woman, Egar somehow dug up an old high school classmate of Erik.
The caller who has since been dubbed, Marfan Mike, got into it with Erik because he claims Erik was an "a**hole to him in high school."
Now on the phone: High Pitch Erik. Tomorrow is @hperik1971's procedure. Wish him the best with: #PrayersForHighPitch
-- Stern Show (@sternshow) April 19, 2016
Mike was actually inducted into the Wack Pack by Howard Stern. Mike and Erik continued to go at it and Mike went as far as to say he hoped Erik dies tomorrow. The Wack Pack was relentless today.