Which Howard Stern Staffers Would The Host Let Date His Daughters?

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Howard Stern rarely talks about his three daughters on the his radio show and none are regular characters on the program.

On Wednesday's show, however, Wolfie, a regular caller and contributor, asked Stern which show members he would allow his daughters to date.

Stern immediately shot down the notion of allowing any of his kids to date Benjy Bronk, because the writer is "too peculiar." The host considered the question without regards to to whether the staffer was currently available to be in a relationship.

He shot down Fred Norris, who he called a good guy due to age and the fact that he would not necessarily want to see him on holidays.

Stern approved of Jon Hein, saying that he was sort of asexual, which seems like an odd compliment.

Stern also shot down, Jason, for being too fat, Will, due to anger issue, and Richard and Sal for obvious reasons. Stern also said no to J.D. although he often treats him in a fatherly fashion on the air. He cited J.D.'s frequent visits to web cam girls on the Internet as a reason to say no.

The host also gave a tentative yes to Steve Brandano.