Ellen DeGeneres Celebrates 'Finding Dory' Release Day on The Ellen Show

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It was the most special episode in Finding Dory week for Ellen DeGeneres and The Ellen Show. The host came out to address the crowd and share how excited she was that the film was finally out.

DeGeneres greeted the crowd and said that today was the day that Finding Dory is out. The crowd cheered loudly as DeGeneres stood with all smiles.

She asked the fans what they were all doing there if the film is out.

She also addressed the fact that 13 years later, they finally have a sequel to Finding Nemo. DeGeneres spoke about how many times she asked for a Finding Nemo sequel before breaking into a montage.

It's actually a bit surprising how many times she mentioned having a sequel but DeGeneres says it's a bit strange that the release day has actually come. DeGeneres says she is very happy and she is very proud of it.

She also announced that there will be a Finding Dory 2 even if she has to draw it herself. You can check out Finding Dory which is now in theaters.

Ellen DeGeneres Celebrates Finding Dory Release Day on The Ellen Show