Total Divas 'Roadside Rumble' Recap, S3 E3
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On tonight's new episode of "Total Divas" relationships were tested even farther, while the future of Brie and Daniel's wrestling careers are put in question.
The episode kicked off at a WWE event with Stephanie McMahon telling Brie (her Instagram) and her husband Daniel that if he doesn't give up his titles, she will fire his wife. However Brie quit in the middle of the ring and fully slapped McMahon; it was revealed that sometimes the WWE storylines take the wresters' real life events and include them in the script, so she was able to spend some time caring for Daniel while he recovers from his emergency neck surgery. The couple took an aptitude test at Brie's mother's recruiting agency, and after the test they started to agree on opening up a bed and breakfast in Flagstaff, Ariz.
They checked out a place they both really liked, however again their financial situation made things difficult for them.
Brie asked John for money, and Daniel did not approve of her doing that without consulting him first. Brie admitted her faults to Daniel, and again the couple were able to overcome a disagreement between them.
Nikki (her Instagram) was asked by her twin sister Brie if she and John could help them out and loan them some money. John was hesitant about loaning them the money, and was upset at Nikki for flat out saying that he would definitely do it.
Unfortunately for Brie and Daniel, John said he couldn't help them out.
He felt bad because they are family, but for business reasons he couldn't go through with it. Later on at a public event the sisters showed fake smiles as they bickered and they compared their marriages.
Eva Marie (her Instagram) and her family continue to butt heads about how her marriage with husband Jonathan. Her family and Jonathan have different religious views and Jonathan refuses to convert to Catholicism for their wedding. Even during family parties, where they were trying to avoid talking about that, it was inevitable that it would be brought up.
Again her father questioned whether or not he would convert, and Eva declared that she would have a Catholic wedding for the sake of her father and his deteriorating health. But of course that led to an argument with Jonathan about their situation.
Her father's stubbornness finally subsided and he said he would support their wedding despite the fact it wouldn't be a Catholic wedding.
Drama queen Summer Rae (her Instagram) made a special and surprise appearance back to the WWE, much to the disappointment of the rest of the divas, especially Nattie (her Instagram). And unfortunately for Rosa Mendes (her Instagram) it was up to her to try to split the two from fighting throughout the episode.
Nattie and Summer's conflicts boiled so far to the point where during a long drive they got into a roadside fight. Rosa and Nattie did her best to control the fire between Nattie and Summer
The next episode of "Total Divas" airs Sunday Sept, 28th at 9 p.m. on E! For more information and content from the show visit