'Shark Tank' Recap: 'The Natural Grip,' 'Priority One Canine,' 'Man-PACK,' and 'Bottle Breacher'
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In a repeat episode of ABC's "Shark Tank" The Natural Grip, Priority One Canine, Man-PACK, and Bottle Breacher made their pitches in front of Sharks, Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec to see if a deal can be struck.
About The Natural Grip
The Natural Grip is a company that is owned by an Active duty officer and her husband in Louisville, KY. All the pitches tonight came from active duty officers in the United States Military.
"The Natural Grip is providing a comfortable and custom option for hand protection to fitness enthusiast worldwide.
The owners have made it their business to protect your hands while working out. Their Patent pending invention is custom, cleaver, and clearly a show stoppers for the sharks."
The Ask: 100k for a 20% Stake
How it went Down: O'Leary as per usual wanted to know how the company was doing financially.
The owner revealed that after a year The Natural Grip had seen about 178k in sales. Cuban was very impressed, "Good for you, that's good."
The company now only sells to retailers for about $10 a unit while the store sells it for $17. There has been 13k units sold thus far and each unit costs S4.34 to make.
4 of those dollars go to labor alone. All the sharks in fact were very impressed.
Lori was the first to go and it was because of a lack of passion she felt towards the product. Claiming she needs to connect with a company before she invests.
O'Leary quickly followed and it was simply because he didn't feel the product was going to be large enough yet.
Cuban felt that the company needed to continue marketing towards the cross-fit community while Herjavec felt it could expand.
The three remaining sharks were hesitant at first to make an offer because they didn't want to get beat in the 11th hour.
Mark finally broke the silence at the request of Mr. Wonderful and decided that the product just wasn't going to be big enough or in other words a brand couldn't be formed around the solitary item.
Robert was next up and an offer was made to the tune of 100k for 30% just falling short of the owners ask. Daymond came in even higher in terms of equity and offered 100k for 40%.
Smartly though he promised shelf space and a little company called Reebok to sweeten the deal.
Herjavec got a little nervous of Daymond and so he changed his offer to 125k for 25%. Daymond countered down to 33% equity at the same price.
In the end though the owner was impressed with Herjavec and took his offer of 125k for 25%. Good start.
About Priority One Canine
Next was the company Priority One Canine which promises to secure your families lives with dogs. The trainers of the canines work with the police and military so you might have some peace of mind.
"We provide security through the use of a Canine. This provides you, the client with two things. One a fantastic companion for you and your family and two Peace of Mind."
The Ask: 75k for 15% Stake
How it went Down: After a very exciting intro in which the sharks got to see one of the dogs in action it was time to get down to business.
O'Leary was skeptical that the company couldn't come close to selling itself to a lot of households. The trainer said that only 4 breeds could be trained in order to meet the protection standards of the company.
The company has a three tier leveled program in which a dog is provided to the family and trained. The 1st level costs about 20k then 30k for level 2 and 40k for level 3.
The difference comes in the amount of training given to the dog. The company has seen about 70k in profit after training about 11 dogs thus far.
O'Leary voiced more concerned and couldn't see the company growing into anything big. Herjavec didn't like the fact that the idea was so hands on, the fact that only two people are training the dogs at a time.
Both of these sharks dropped out.
Cuban spoke next and saw the same problems. The sharks all believed that the company was profitable but didn't think their time and money would see enough return in the end. Thus at the end no deal was struck.
About Man-PACK
Marketed as the man bag for the modern gentleman Man-PACK updates the controversial subject of men carrying a bag. Founded back in 2010 by Aaron Tweedie the Man-PACK is blazing a new trail in the market for men's accessory bags.
It is a sling style messenger back designed by guys for guys. On average the modern man carries 4.5 pounds of products and Aaron is confident that his bag will better suit a changing world.
The Ask: 200k for 29% Stake
How it went Down: Aaron revealed that the company had sold 76k worth of the product last year alone. Year to date though the Man-PACK has sold 67k already all coming from online sales.
Aaron also revealed that the product is expected to reach sales of 145k this year. The Man-Pack is sold at $59.95 and made somewhat in impressive fashion at $22.05.
The sharks after the business details began to question the market here in the United States. Herjavec revealed he had worn something similar in Europe and it was completely normal.
But once back here in the states he couldn't make it a block without being laughed at. Cuban also made the point that this was essentially the millennial "murse" or the man purse.
The sharks all began to attack and O'Leary admitted to give 200k would mean he would have to own about 260% of the company. Everyone was out due to a lack of confidence in the market.
Aaron was still adamant that the company would still be a success.
About Bottle Breacher
Eli and his wife Jen were next into the tank. All that the ex-military dad wanted to do when he left service was to provide for his family. The idea is simple enough, bottle openers made from .50 caliber shells.
"Bottle Breacher makes .50 Caliber Bottle Openers crafted by Active Duty service members and Veterans.
The staff at Bottle Breacher used to use 50 Cal ammunition to defend our country down range, they now use them to provide the best man gifts, groomsmen gifts, and promotional products on the market.
Whether used for decorative display, at special events, or as your everyday bottle opener; Bottle Breacher is sure to impress your friends and get people talking."
The Ask: 150k for 10% Stake
How it went Down: Things began to get a little bit tipsy as each of the sharks cracked open a cold one. Lori got a special pink one and it was the first one ever made.
P.S. nobody actually drank any beer.
Eli and Jen revealed that the company has been selling the product online and to only one retailer. The openers can have engravings and the couple also revealed their biggest sales came from wedding gifts.
Quickly though the sharks wanted to hear the financial success of this company. Jen told them what they wanted to hear for sure, the company has seen 500k in sales year to date.
The reason that the company needs money is that there is a fight to keep up with inventory. 90% of the orders are engraved and this obviously is the most to produce for the company.
Engraving isn't a cheap addition to any product.
O'Leary was the first to make an offer and he liked the story behind the couple, 150k for 20%, it was turned down out of a lack of offers from the other sharks.
Lori jumped out because she didn't see product reaching the highest of levels.
Daymond was next up and made an offer of 200k for 25%. Although worse in terms of equity than Mr. Wonderful's it came with the promise of expanded manufacturing. Herjavec left this one to the other sharks and he was out.
Eli asked if Cuban wanted to pair with either Daymond or O'Leary and he obliged. It was Cuban and Mr. Wonderful that split 50/50 at 75k for 10% each.
It was all military on this Shark Tank repeat and the service men and women didn't disappoint. Tune in Fridays at 9 p.m. for Shark Tank on ABC.