Oxana Fedorova/Oxana Federova: Who Is She And How Does She Relate To Donald Trump?
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Seth Abramson, a well known investigator and attorney, posted a very interesting thread today, which focuses on a new character who may be related to Trump-Russia.
Abramson's new target: a woman named Oxana Fedorova (Abramson appears to misspell her name as Oxana Federova), who won the Miss Universe pageant in 2002 and former mistress of Vladimir Putin.
Abramson created a 70+ tweet thread, which you can read from the link below. It starts with this tweet:
(THREAD) In 2002, Donald Trump crowned Vladimir Putin's girlfriend Miss Universe. Now it's possible that Mueller's probe will look into it. pic.twitter.com/2bZJuDqWu3
-- Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) August 17, 2017
Oxana Fedorova: Who is she?
Oxana Fedorova is currently 39 years old, and she lives in Russia.
She started out in the police academy, which is why you see a picture of her with a gun below. She graduated from the academy and worked in the Russian military, according to her own autobiography.
She then moved to St. Petersburg, and got involved in military/police work for the Russian government.
(5) One of Trump's most high-profile Russia ties--in his whole life--involved the 2002 Miss Universe pageant, which was won by Oxana Federova. pic.twitter.com/zrZgC0JPea
-- Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) August 17, 2017
During that time, she competed in pageants, starting with Miss St. Petersburg, and moving on to Miss Universe.
At some point, according to Abramson, she became a mistress of Vladimir Putin. Abramson's report is backed up by multiple sources from 2002, although the affair has never been confirmed. In fact, Fedorova threatened to sue reporters who wrote about it.
Pravda.ru writes this about it:
First of all, even beauty queens wear uniforms in Russia, as the FSB - KGB hads its iron hand on beauty contests, so only FSB girls will win in the future. Secondly, which is much more important, it is believed that Oksana attracted President Vladimir Putin's attention. Noone actually knows if it is true or not. Oksana was going to sue one foreign newspaper that wrote that there was a love affair between her and Putin, but she didn't.
On the other hand, Oksana maintains an interest in this subject in her interviews, rejecting the possibility of the affair with the president. A journalist once asked her if she found President Putin an attractive man. Oksana giggled and said that only her beloved person was evoking such kind of sympathy in her heart. This guy's name is Vladimir, by the way.
That article also has this nugget:
How can you explain the rumor that Oksana Fyodorova became Miss Universe due to Vladimir Putin?
- I can assume that someone simply tried to please the president; this is a typical Russian feature. Maybe the fact that Oksana comes from St.Petersburg and from security services became a key aspect here, since both of those things are associated with Vladimir Putin.
Fedorova ended up winning the Miss Universe pageant, and there are a lot of people who insist that Trump basically hand-picks winners in the pageant.
Abramson suggests that Trump may have picked Fedorova to get on Putin's good side.
Trump and his family have said many times that they wanted to get involved with Russian real estate, and helping Putin would have been a great way to do that.
It's unclear when Putin and Fedorova would have broken up -- if in fact they dated. Putin is often seen with different women, from random young Russian unknowns to famous people like Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife Wendi Deng.
Oxana Fedorova and Donald Trump
According to Seth Abramson, Oxana Fedorova likely met Trump in St. Petersburg around the time of the Miss Universe pageant. It was at that time, according to Abramson and other reports, that Trump propositioned another Miss Universe contestant, Kata Sarka.
This is where the peeing dossier comes in: Abramson suggests that given that Sarka turned Trump down, he instead chose to hire prostitutes.
That would match up with the dossier. Abramson believes that that encounter could have resulted in compromising recordings, which Putin may now have.
Where is Oxana Fedorova Now?
Oxana Fedorova receded from the spotlight in the mid 2000s.
She eventually got her PhD, and she has sporadically appeared on Russian TV and in music videos. She eventually joined a political party that technically competes with Putin's, although the party is essentially a joke party, which generally supports Putin.
Wanna read more on this? Check these out: Infographic: What Trump's Own Team Thinks Of Him (more); Trump Hires The 'Best People' (Infographic) (more); The Steele Dossier: What's True, What's Not (Infographic) (more); 'Witch Hunt' By The Numbers (Infographic) (more).
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