Could Trump Pass A Fourth Grade English Class? Let's Find Out...

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As we have noted many times in the past, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks the new president is a genius; nevertheless, he constantly manages to outdo himself.

Today, as millions of people around the world took to the streets in a rebuke of Trump and his worldview, Trump himself was back on Twitter.

As expected, he had no intention of listening to the demonstrators or reevaluating any of his decisions. Instead, after attending a Church service, he took some time to congratulate himself on a job well done:

Interestingly, he followed that up with this tweet:

Yes, that is how he spelled "honored." Considering the distance between "e" and "o" on a keyboard, it would be nearly impossible for the mistake to be a typo.

Trump corrected the tweet 12 minutes later (why did it take him a whole 12 minutes?).

But this was just one of many egregious spelling errors that Trump has made on Twitter. Only days ago, he wrote of his "unpresidented" success -- apparently not being able to distinguish the word precedent from his own job title.

After seeing all of these basic errors, we wanted to find out how well Trump would do in school. So we turned to outlines standards that students of each grade level are expected to meet. In first grade, for instance, students should be able to spell words like "bat" and "cat."

To Trump's credit, it looks like he would pass a first grade spelling test. However, here are some of the words that a fourth grader is expected to be able to spell (from 1. broke 2. conflict 3. floating 4. honor 5. husband 6. include 7. June 8. operate 9.

pennies 10. plume 11. plus 12. renew 13. smoke 14. solid 15. thunder 16. tune 17. upset. Yes, #4 is "honor" -- given his level of spelling proficiency, Trump would not be able to pass a fourth grade class.

There is a bit of good news for Trump, however: English departments in school districts like this one classify the word "precedent" as seventh grade level, so it is possible that Trump could pass a seventh grade English class.

For a guy in the "speak English or get out" camp, that is pretty stunning.

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