Agoraphobic Nosebleed Release New Details On Upcoming Records
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After two long years, Agoraphobic Nosebleed has finally given an update regarding their upcoming releases.
It seems like an eternity ago that grindcore band Agoraphobic Nosebleed released information regarding new music. To be fair, there are a number of issues that seem to be slowing the project down.
For one thing, the sheer ambitious scope; they announced in late 2012 that their new album wouldn't be one record, but instead four solo albums, one for each vocalist of the band, with each record reflecting their favored style of extreme metal.
For two, the release dates for ANB has been slowing down over time anyway. Just check out the release dates on their bandcamp; they've dropped some splits and Christmas flexis for Decibel magazine, but their last full-length was 2009's Agorapocaylpse with the last one before that, the respectfully-titled Altered States of America, dropping in 2003.
So in that respect, five years really isn't so long for another full-length.
And third, main-man, guitarist and primary songwriter Scott Hull has been picking up steam with his other grindcore band, Pig Destroyer; they've been touring off and on for the past two years in support of their last album Book Burner and have shows booked through until July of this year.
With Scott Hull doing primary songwriting and guitar-playing duties in both bands, not to mention recording the majority of both bands' work in his home studio, this means the wait for the set of solo records to be completed is going to be little bit longer.
But on Monday, Agoraphobic Nosebleed dropped this message on their Facebook page:
So, finally, after two years, we finally get some word about their progress. It's only one of four, but hey, that's better than nothing.
And given that this record is the one centered around Kat Katz, formerly of doom metal band Salome, we can expect that it will likely be slow, doomy, and heavy as all hell.
And isn't that what we want after all this time anyway?